to Aug 30

2019 National Craft Broom Competition

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Monahan Partners is sponsoring a National Craft Broom Competition - with $1,000 in prize money.

Judging and display of entries at the 2019 Broom Corn Festival, Arcola, IL, September  6, 7, and 8.

$1,000 in prize money

            $500 for First Place

            $300 for Second Place

            $200 for Third Place

Craft Brooms must be 100% broomcorn, handle is crafter’s choice, size to be parlor broom or smaller (cobweb, hearth, whisk, etc.) and must be functional.

Brooms will be judged for aesthetics and craftsmanship by 2 local artists and a broom maker.

All entries must be clearly identified with the makers contact information and submitted by August 30, 2019 to:

Monahan Partners                  Questions? – Ph 217-268-5754

202 N Oak                                    pat@monahanpartners.com

Arcola, Il   61910

Entrants have a choice as to their submissions – post judging.

1.     They may let Monahan Partners sell their broom at a price set by the crafter.

2.     They may ask for their broom back.

3.     They may let Monahan Partners keep the broom.

The three winning brooms become the property of Monahan Partners. The prize money will be mailed to each winner.

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